Resource Library
Please feel free to browse our resource library to the right. We have included many links that will help your preparation all through the year. We have also included our customized check-list which is available at no cost for you to use in your tax season preparation.
If you come across any broken links, please report them to us so that we can keep the resource library as up to date as possible.
Allowable Business Expenses
- Advertising
- Allowance on Capital Property
- Bad Debts
- Business Taxes, Fees, Licenses, Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions
- Business Start-up Costs
- Capital Cost Allowance
- Current or Capital Expense
- Home Office Expenses (percentage based on business area out of total area)
- Insurance
- Mortgage Interest
- Property Taxes
- Rental Payments
- Utilities
- Insurance
- Interest & Bank Fees
- Legal, Accounting & Other Professional Fees
- Management & Administration Fees
- Maintenance & Repairs
- Meals & Entertainment
- Office Expenses
- Property Taxes
- Rent
- Salaries, Wages & Benefits
- Supplies
- Telephone / Internet / Utilities
- Travel
- Vehicle Expenses
- Capital Costs (depreciation)
- Fuel
- Insurance
- Interest Included in Loan Payments
- Repairs & Maintenance
- Parking & Tolls